what should you wear for a brand shoot?

Person in autumnal outfit for branding photography

what outfits should you wear for your brand shoot?

If there is one question I get asked more than any other before a brand session, it's, “But what do I wear?!”

I totally get it! If you are new to having your photo taken professionally, planning a shoot can feel like a minefield and picking your outfits is one of many elements you might be mulling over.

Previous clients will know that I add multiple shoot prep guides to every client's portal (more info about my shoot journeys here), but if you have yet to work with me, here are my top tips for deciding on outfits ahead of your shoot.

decide on your brand shoot colour palette

There are two routes I recommend for deciding your outfits' colour palettes!

  1. Incorporate your brand colours. They could feature in the fabrics you wear, the lipsticks you bring, or the nail colour you choose, depending on what finishing touches feel most authentic to you.

  2. Stick with neutrals. If you don't have a brand palette yet and are looking for versatility, going for neutrals like whites, blacks, greys, and browns will serve you well. These tones will pair perfectly with any colourways you later decide on, and look really lovely in their own right.

don't be afraid to dress as if you are meeting a client for the first time

One way I like to think of brand photography is as your first encounter with your dream client! That means that there is no pressure to dress up and show up in a way that you would never do otherwise. Instead, focus on what would feel genuinely comfortable and empowering to you. It could be your favourite Converses, your vintage jeans and a beloved tee – or a killer blazer and ballerina skirt; it's up to you.

lean into the location

If you know you want to wade in the water at your riverside session, bring clothes that you don't mind getting wet and something to warm you up after!

Equally, if we're on a mountainside with some amazing wind around us, bring something that will twirl like a floaty skirt or fave scarf.

If we're faking some summer vibes on a cold spring day, have a coat that's just there to bring your temperature back up after a “summer picnic” shoot.

most of all: don't stress

Lastly, outfits can be something that clients will really get worried about, but my final tips are:

  1. Don't buy anything new unless you have the budget and would enjoy that new piece anyway. You are gorgeous as you are.

  2. Be as loving to yourself as you would be your best friend. The focus of your brand shoot will be the beauty that is you, your business, and your passions. The clothing you wear is secondary.

  3. The only thing I care about is if you are comfortable. I'm somebody who loves her jogging bottoms as much as I do my fave dress-up skirt; whatever you wear I'll be all for.

book in for your brand photography journey

I have limited availability this summer, and this autumn! Find out more about my brand photography and get in touch for a shoot of your own here.

In the meantime, lots of love,
Anna xxx

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Anna Considine || Studio Gently

Hello hello! I’m Anna, photographer and friend at Studio Gently, and lover of cats and sage green (can you tell?!) When I’m not behind a camera (or a desk), you’ll find me doing terrible doodles on my iPad and secretly singing when no one else is at home…


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