why i moved my brand photography business to edinburgh

brand photographer holding camera in Edinburgh

i’m anna, and i’ve been an edinburgh-based brand photographer for six months!

I can hardly believe it’s true, but I moved to Edinburgh last August and it’s now been over six months… pinch me please!

To celebrate six months as an Edinburgh-based brand photographer, I really wanted to share with you the reasons why I decided to up sticks and move here… and boy am I glad that I did!

I hope you enjoy…

i moved my brand photography to edinburgh because i wanted to be part of a bigger creative community

Edinburgh has more independents than any city in the country, including London! That made Edinburgh a great pick for me as a brand photographer.

I love Northampton, and I love it dearly. If I hadn't been living there when my psychosis hit, I have zero doubt that I would have made the recovery I did to be where I am now!

My only real “oh no” is that Northampton's creative scene is so small! Over the last few years, I worked with some absolute pearls based in Northampton, but I did feel limited. It is so nice to find a whole new creative scene now I’ve moved – and I totally didn’t appreciate how incredibly creative Scotland is as a whole.

i love being a brand photographer who lives near the sea

From a very young age I loved the sea! I collected seashells and pined for our day trips to the seaside each Easter. Northamptonshire is the furthest county from the sea anywhere in the UK, so I’m so chuffed to live in a city with multiple beaches and many more just a short trip away.

From a brand shoot perspective, this is amazing! I love that I can help find clients the most beautiful beaches for their brand photography, as I really enjoy partnering with those who are inspired by nature and the sea.

brand photography image of Edinburgh's dean village

i had to leave the built-up city centre

I used to live on one of Northampton's busiest streets and slowly but surely, I became convinced that the air quality there was terrible. While visits to my parents a few miles away let me breathe deep and full lungfuls of air, at home in the old flat I never felt like I could fully inhale and exhale and I didn't think that was just my imagination. What started as something I found mildly annoying then had me fairly concerned, so I was ready to move for sure!

i was so ready to live in a vegan capital of the uk

Now I want to emphasise here that there are some AMAZING vegan eateries in Northampton! It’s home to vegan pastries c/o Kitche.NN, the biggest plant-based restaurant in the UK at the Green Loft, a completely vegan café at The Ark, and maaany more than I can list here! (Plus our non-vegan indies do some great vegan dishes/evenings too.) I was very happy as a Northampton vegan, but I am really excited by all the plant-based businesses I keep finding to eat at in Edinburgh.


i was just ready for a new chapter

I had not lived in a city that was new to me for nearly 9 and a half years… for a girly who thought she'd move abroad after uni, that would have come as a surprise to my younger self! I think one of the biggest feelings from this move is of healing. I was so scared at the thought of leaving the safety of my hometown for so long and frankly, for many years I wasn't up to it. Moving felt like a real affirmation that I can go anywhere, I can do anything, I am capable!

book in for your brand photography journey

I have limited availability this summer, and this autumn! Find out more about my brand photography and get in touch for a shoot of your own here.

In the meantime, lots of love,
Anna xxx

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Anna Considine || Studio Gently

Hello hello! I’m Anna, photographer and friend at Studio Gently, and lover of cats and sage green (can you tell?!) When I’m not behind a camera (or a desk), you’ll find me doing terrible doodles on my iPad and secretly singing when no one else is at home…


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